- My Family
- My Friends
- My Dogs
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Carne Asada Burritos
- Music
- Pizza
- Pasta
- Lemonade
- Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches
- Holidays
- Gerber Daisies
- Tulips
- Meeting new people
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Sunny Days
- Panda Express
- Cheeseburgers
- Rainy Days
- Lazy Days
- Hot Fudge Brownie Sundaes
- A Clean Room
- Hugs
- Kisses
- Freedom
- Clean Clothes
- Fresh Sheets on the Bed
- My Bed
- Pajamas
- Sweatpants and Sweatshirts
- Stars
- Swings
- Finishing My Homework
- An Organized Room
- Laughter
- Chick Flicks
- Murder Mysteries
- Sleeping
- Sci-Fi Movies
- Documentaries
- Reality Shows
- San Diego
- Movies inspired/based on true events
- Comedies
- Singing in the Car
- the Beach
- Comedies
- Roller Coasters
- Going to Bed Early
- Staying up all night with friends
- Scary Movies
- Photography
- Buying new school supplies
- Spending time with my girlfriends
- Getting Pedicures
- New Haircuts
- Chocolate and anything chocolate-covered
- Money
- A Hot Shower
- Fireworks
- Daydreaming
- Having dreams that make no sense
- Board Games
- Video Games
- Strawberry and Whipped Cream Waffles
- Chocolate Chip Pancakes
- Last Minute Adventures with Friends
- Bonfires
- Campouts
- Red Dragon Sushi Rolls
- Skittles
- Sour Candy
- Crime Shows
- Medical Shows
- Chicken-flavored Cup of Noodles/Top Ramen
- Summer/Spring Break
- Youtube
- Netflix
- Reading tabloid magazines in line at the store
- Peace and quiet
- when someone else does my laundry
- Horseback riding
- Smores
- Ghost Stories
- Murder Mysteries
- Text Messaging
- the Zoo
- Scrapbooking
- Desperate Housewives
- Greek
- Pretty Little Liars
- Top Chef
- Law and Order
- Coca Cola
- Ice Cream Floats
- Baking
- Self-Help Books
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Journal #3: 100 of My Favorite Things
Monday, February 14, 2011
Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0

The NETS-T I researched was Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. I chose this NETS-T because I know that I need a lot of improvement in this area. An area of professional growth and leadership that I can expand on is actively participating in local and global learning communities to exchange and implement ideas and methods related to creative applications of technology to improve student learning. One of the resources available to do this is Classroom 2.0. This website is a social network used to share tips in integrating technology into our education systems.
Classroom 2.0 offers workshops for new and advanced learners to find new ways to expand technology in the classroom. The workshops are geared toward and run by those who attend. The workshops are collaborative, so there are no outside experts trying to teach teachers things that are unnecessary for a classroom setting. The workshops are built for teachers by teachers.
There is also an online forum for people to post and answer questions. This is a great resource for teachers who don't have others to help them in their community. The use of forums will allow for technology to expand into more schools across the country.
Classroom 2.0 will help the next generation of teachers and students as our culture and society becomes more technologically advanced and more dependent upon technology in our daily lives.