Waters, J. (2011). Teaching green. THE Journal, 38(4), Retrieved from http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/1105/journal_201104/#/12
The freelance writer, John Waters provides teachers and students numerous resources to learn about environmental issues.
The first resource is Classroom Earth is a site created by The Weather Channel and the National Education Foundation. The purpose of the site is to increase the awareness and quality of environmental education in high schools.
The second resource is A Walk in the Woods created for elementary school students who live in urban areas and have limited access to nature. The site provides a virtual walk through the woods.
EEK!-Environmental Education for Kids is an online magazine for students in grades 4-8.
The Ecological Footprint Quiz gives students the opportunity to see the impact they make on the Earth through their ecological footprint.
PowerUp is an environmental science-themed game. The site also provides lesson plans and guides for teachers and parents as well.
The last resource Waters writes about is The US Environmental Protection Agency Teaching Center. The website offers an abundance of lesson plans and activities based on numerous environmental topics.
Question 1: Which of the resources would have the greatest impact on students?
A: I think that the Ecological Footprint would be the most beneficial for students. The results of the quiz will allow for students to see the impact they make on the environment and alternatives for how to make a difference.
Question 2: Who should have the responsibility of teaching children about the importance of preserving the environment? Parents or teachers?
A: I think it should be the responsibility of both. If children are receiving the message from more than one source, it will have a greater impact on the importance of preserving the environment.