Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal #2: Join the Flock & Enhance Your Twitter Experience (NETS-T 5)

Hadley, F. (2010, June/July) Join the Flock! Learning and Leading Through Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

McClintock-Miller, S. (2010, June/July) Enhance Your Twitter Experience. Learning and Leading Through Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

Twitter is a great tool for teachers to improve their PLN (professional learning network). The first article gave steps on how to get the most out of Twitter. The author said that it was okay that a person follows a person, but they won't get as much as someone who also posts and replies to others. A great piece of advice the author gave was to put hash tags on your posts to expand your PLN to people that you do not know.

The second article was about using tools to enhance Twittering. TweetDeck was one of the tools mentioned. TweetDeck is used to organize your posts into more than one column. HootSuite was also mentioned. HootSuite is used to share a website address through a tweet.

Question 1: How is meeting people through Twitter better than in person?
A: It's better because you're able to meet more people. On Twitter, adding a hash tag to your posts multiplies the number of viewers by at least 10. Meeting people in person is harder because you can only meet someone one at a time. Also, because there is a larger variety people on Twitter, the resources are more diverse.

Question 2: Can Twitter continue to be a resourceful tool or will it fade away?
A: I think that Twitter can continue to grow. At the moment, I don't think very many people know the different ways Twitter can be helpful. If word spreads, that it can be used as an effective tool for things besides knowing what celebrities are doing, then I think Twitter will be here to stay.

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